Alternatives to Talking Therapies

Talking therapies aren’t necessarily for everyone, it might not be financially or practically accessible for you at the current time or you might benefit from other tools. The alternatives listed are also useful to think about using alongside talking therapies. There is no moral hierarchy to how you choose to help yourself out, experiment and […]


‘A dream which is not interpreted is like a letter which is not read’ (“Dream Book” of the Babylonian Talmud [200–500 ce]) Do you remember your dreams? Dreams have long been used in therapy and spiritual traditions to provide insight into our inner worlds and the unconscious. Dream interpretation is a bit of a misnomer […]

What is LGBTQ+ Affirmative Therapy?

LGBTQ+ affirmative counselling is counselling that isn’t just LGBTQ+ or queer friendly but instead recognises the often complex nuances of being a member of this community. It recognises how homophobia and transphobia and structural violences affect mental health, it considers how existing and growing up in spaces that aren’t affirming can change our ways of […]